
Art Contact has sourced artwork for Medimmune for over 12 years and we have again be asked to supply some additional pieces.

Additional artworks were sourced by Art Contact by two of our abstract screenprint artist to enliven the corridors at Medimmune.


  • Object – Source and select artworks for new building.
  • Client – Medimmune
  • Sector – Healthcare/Corporate
  • Location – Granta Park, Cambridge
  • Status – Completed


  • Consultation
  • Art Selection
  • Project Management
  • Rental
  • Framing & Display
  • Art Handling
  • Transportation
  • Installation

“All work done by Art Contact was performed to a very high standard to reflect our wishes. The end result is a major contribution to the atmosphere of the new building, resulting in an extremely pleasant working environment in which Art Contact have played an important part." “All work done by Art Contact was performed to a very high standard to reflect our wishes.”

Jon Green - Vice President Business Operation Medimmune

CID – Kensington Row

The brief from the client was to incorporate artwork which reflected the colour schemes of the spacious and light filled apartment. The collection consisted of embellished paintings and bespoke wooden frames.

Art Contact co-ordinated the delivery and installation of the artwork and have since been invited back to source and supply artwork for another apartment.


  • Object – Source, select and supply artworks for apartment
  • Client – CID
  • Sector – Residential
  • Location – Kensington Row
  • Status – Completed


  • Consultation
  • Planning
  • Art Selection
  • Procurement
  • Commissioning
  • Project Management
  • Framing & Display
  • Art Packing
  • Art Handling
  • Transportation
  • Installation

CID – Kensington High Street Apartment

With a budget outlined, Art Contact was able to deliver a strong initial proposal which was diverse in content and presented a wide variety of options that the client was able to consider, happily in the knowledge that all were feasible and within budget.

CID Interiors made the final selection of the artwork and Art Contact project managed all stages of the acquisition, framing and installation.

The art collection consisted of an original, commissioned canvas painting, limited edition and mono-prints and photography. All artworks which required framing were framed in our in-house bespoke framing workshop, where all frames are handmade to complement the artwork.


  • Object – Source, select and supply artworks for apartment
  • Client – CID
  • Sector – Residential
  • Location – Kensington High Street
  • Status – Completed


  • Consultation
  • Planning
  • Art Selection
  • Procurement
  • Commissioning
  • Project Management
  • Framing & Display
  • Art Packing
  • Art Handling
  • Transportation
  • Installation

Portland Hospital – The Day Care Unit – Rooms

Art Contact began the new year, in continued collaboration with Portland Hospital, as they continue with developments within the hospital. Art Contact were selected to commission a series of bespoke artworks for the Day Case Unit, more specifically for the bedrooms allocated to young people. With that in mind, Art Contact looked a developing the distinctive style established within the hospital and adapting it to this new location.

During the collaboration Portland Hospital outlined an interest in music, and the positive healing qualities it can have, especially in young people. Art Contact developed this idea and commissioned a digital artist to produce a series of images which depicted children playing and interacting with instruments or dancing to music. In line with the exciting art collection within the hospital, the artworks were printed onto high quality, easy to maintain acrylic panels and the artist contextualized the artworks, to include London landmarks.


  • Object – Source, select & commission artwork for day care unit.
  • Client – HCA, Portland Hospital
  • Sector – Healthcare
  • Location – Great Portland Street, London
  • Status – Completed


  • Consultation
  • Strategy
  • Planning
  • Art Selection
  • Commissioning
  • Project Management
  • Art Handling
  • Transportation
  • Installation

Portland Hospital – Day Care Unit – Childrens Area

The Portland Hospital has invited Art Contact to assist them to source, commission and deliver an interactive artwork for the children’s waiting room area.

Taken from the idea of ‘ Where’s Wally’, Art Contact, in collaboration with the digital image photographer created this interactive artwork to engage children to find the Portland Bear.

This is in keeping with the design and development of the rest of the artwork throughout the hospital, which was sourced by Art Contact at the early stages of refurbishment.

The Portland Bear has also appeared in other children’s areas through out the hospital.


  • Object – Source, select and commission interactive artwork for the children’s areas of the day care Unit at the Portland Hospital
  • Client – HCA, Portland Hospital
  • Sector – Healthcare
  • Location – Great Portland Street, London
  • Status – Completed


  • Consultation
  • Planning
  • Art Selection
  • Commissioning
  • Project Management
  • Art Handling
  • Transportation
  • Installation

Portland Hospital – Paediatrics

Art Contact was keen to continue the theme of ‘children and families at play’ from previous areas of the hospital and so collaborated with a digital artist to produce vibrant, eye-catching acrylic panels which depicted children playing in a park environment. With London landmarks contextualizing the images, Art Contact was keen to portray a positivity in subject matter whilst also celebrating the location of the hospital, within iconic buildings across our capital.


The Where’s Wally wallpaper, which had been so popular in a previous ward, has also been adapted to work on panels, again to encourage continuity between wards. Art Contact was keen to create a familiar environment for returning patients and visitors and the Where’s Wally style images have become a focal point of the hospital interior.

Through all stages of development, Art Contact worked closely with the Portland Hospital clinical team in choosing the perfect images for all to enjoy.


  • Object – Source, select and commission artworks for the Paediatrics department of the Portland Hospital
  • Client – HCA, Portland Hospital
  • Sector – Healthcare
  • Location – Great Portland Street, London
  • Status – Completed


  • Consultation
  • Planning
  • Art Selection
  • Commissioning
  • Project Management
  • Art Handling
  • Transportation
  • Installation

Private Client – Saudi Arabia

Art Contact sourced artists to commission artwork and luxury furnishings for a contemporary, recently refurbished villa for a private client.

The commissioned artwork ranged from glass colonnade panels and ceramic wall hangings, to bespoke tables and handmade cushions.


Art Contact co-ordinated all shipment and delivery to the Middle East and provided comprehensive installation instructions upon the artwork’s arrival.

Art Contact has a very positive, long standing relationship with the client, and the artwork was warmly received.


  • Object – Source,select and commission works for shipment to Saudi Arabia
  • Client – Private Client
  • Sector – Residential
  • Location – Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • Status – Completed


  • Consultation
  • Art Selection
  • Procurement
  • Commissioning
  • Project Management
  • Framing & Display
  • Art Packing
  • Transportation
  • Installation

‘Inosculation’ – Private Commission

The client gave Art Contact a brief for an installation based around an organic and natural form that appeared to be growing across the wall.

Following a selection process, the artist chosen fabricated a striking, yet delicately crafted concrete sculpture in red, earthy tones to compliment stone wall behind.

The artists expert manipulation of the material not only produced a hugely accomplished final installation, but also reflected the interests of the client, who works within a family construction business.

The sculpture was very well received by the client and will be enjoyed for many years to come.


  • Object – Source, select and commission wall mounted sculpture for private client
  • Client – Private
  • Sector – Residential
  • Location – London
  • Status – Completed


  • Consultation
  • Art Selection
  • Commissioning
  • Project Management
  • Art Packing
  • Art Handling
  • Transportation
  • Installation

Corporate Client – Relocation to Portman Square

As part of their Art Collection Management programme, Art Contact has been appointed to coordinate the move of this corporate clients existing art collection and assess the best ways to maximise the potential of the works in time for their relocation to Portman Square, with it’s panoramic view of Central London.

Art Contact provided a creative, tailored art programme for the client. This involved the cataloguing of the existing artwork for valuation and re-organisation. Art Contact also advised on the most effective ways in which to maximise the visual impact of the artworks through re-framing and careful placement across both floors.

The re-framing of the newly assembled collection took place at our in-house framing workshop, where Art Contact worked in collaboration with our client and their design team, Artillery Interiors, to integrate the artworks into the new, state-of-the-art office interior.

To celebrate the relocation, Art Contact took a brief from the client, to commission an original piece of artwork in celebration of the company growth and development.


  • Object – To review, refresh and complement the existing art collection for relocation to Portman Square
  • Client – Corporate Client
  • Sector – Corporate
  • Location – Portman Square, London
  • Status – Completed


  • Consultation
  • Planning
  • Art Selection
  • Commissioning
  • Project Management
  • Audit
  • Cataloguing
  • Valuation
  • Framing & Display
  • Art Handling
  • Transportation
  • Installation

Blue Bay Asset Management

Art Contact has sourced artwork for Blue Bay Asset Management for over 10 years. Most recently commissioning new wall sculptures of sand and colour pigment for the offices on Grosvenor Street.

Blue Bay also recently engaged Art Contact to commission new works and to organize the transportation of these works for their offices in Connecticut, USA.

Download Case Study


  • Object – Source & select artwork for London and other offices
  • Client – Blue Bay Asset Management
  • Sector – Offices and Corporate
  • Location –  London
  • Status – Completed


  • Consultation
  • Strategy
  • Planning
  • Art Selection
  • Procurement
  • Commissioning
  • Project Management
  • Art Handling
  • Transportation
  • Installation